Experience Design with John Foster

John Foster visited the xdMFA studio on Friday to lead an iteration and prototyping workshop. Through the workshop, students learned to put the customer/user/student/citizen at the core of everything—a philosophy which melds perfectly with xdMFA core values: human-centered, research-driven, technology-fueled, colalboratively-crafted. A few takeaways from the experience:
- Too often the design is driven by the client not the user.
- Prototypes are essential because they provide something for the user to react to.
- Become the champion of the user. Experience Designers bring their clients new insight into their users.
- Understand the customer journey
- Build a feedback loop into your design process

John Foster is a Founder at Gamut, which is dedicated to helping people navigate life. Previously, he worked at Hulu and IDEO, leading the Talent and Organization functions at both companies where culture and people are considered the most important factor in their business success. John has also worked in senior talent and organization development roles at Levi Strauss, Fidelity Investments, and Citibank. His early career was spent largely in the great outdoors working with kids in outdoor education, adventure, and wilderness programs.