xdMFA Thesis Defense Week Spring 2018

Join us for the Spring 2018 xdMFA Defense Week, April 16–20 and experience presentations by MFA Candidates in Experience Design. MFA Candidates will present their project work that has been ongoing since summer 2017.
Mark Cela will share results of his work that sought out why readers and bibliophiles are attracted to physical books and how their preferences can be designed into the eBook experience in relevant ways. Yashodhan Mandke conducted site visits to warehouses to learn about the challenges people who are hard-of-hearing face when working in these environments. Mr. Mandke designed and tested an app that alerts and guides those who are hard-of-hearing to safety in emergency situations.
xdMFA Thesis projects have three components:
- Primary research to identify aspects of a selected problem or area of inquiry
- The creation of a prototype design outcome/intervention that can address the selected problem in the desired way
- Testing and evaluation of the effects of the designed outcome